Jock itch, or ringworm, is a fungal infection that affects the skin on the inner thighs. Because of this, these warm, moist areas of the body can become red, cracked, and sometimes ring-like. It usually occurs in humid and hot weather. Overweight people are easily affected by this fungal infection.

The virus of this disease can spread from one body to another in different ways. Acts as a carrier of used clothes, water, bedding, etc. In this article, we will describe the treatment of jock itch.

Treatment of Jock Itch

Symptoms of Jock Itch

1. Sensation of intense itching in the junction of the thighs and buttocks

2. A red or brown rash and a watery rash

3. These watery blisters burst after itching

4. If water is applied to the affected area, it will burn

5. The affected area becomes black and dry.

Causes of Jock Itch

A group of fungi called dermatophytes can cause itching. These fungi live naturally on the skin and usually cause no problems. However, if you remain in sweaty clothes after exercise, prolonged exposure to humidity can lead to the rapid growth of fungi.

Overgrowth of dermatophytes causes an infection called jock itch.

Jock itch is very contagious. You may be affected by the jock itch through close contact with the person who has jock itch or by touching that person's dirty cloth.

Prevention of Jock Itch

Jock itch is usually treated with home remedies. Some medicines are available in all pharmacies without a prescription. You can follow the following steps:

1. Clean the itchy area daily. Under no circumstances should it be impure. When you shower, wash the affected area thoroughly with antiseptic soap, being careful not to share the soap with other family members.

2. Wear clean underwear every day. In this case, it is recommended to buy 7 underwear for 7 days a week. Wear new underwear every day. If this is not possible, wash the underwear after one day of use.

3. Does not itch. The more it itches, the more it spreads to different parts of the body. Moreover, it will become your habit, so it will be inconvenient to wear it in public.

4. Try to keep the affected area as dry as possible

5. Wear cotton underwear

6. Avoid tight clothing that chafes and irritates the skin and increases the risk of itching.

7. Do not allow others to use your clothing, towels, or other personal items. Same as you don't use other's cloth or towels.

8. In the infected area, you can apply an anti-fungal cream that contains econazole. You can also take oral medicine which contains fluconazole.

 In conclusion, If you affect by the jock itch, at first you take home treatment for two weeks. After two weeks if you feel you are not free from jock itch then contact your Doctor.

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